Our Projects

Ada Noryami Kpe

Areas of Focus

The organization firmly believes in the principles of empathy, compassion, and inclusivity, working towards fostering sustainable change and enhancing the overall well-being of communities.


Ada Noryami Kpe believes in the transformative power of education. We strive to ensure that every child has access to quality education by establishing schools, providing scholarships, and offering educational resources to underserved communities. We also conduct awareness campaigns to promote the importance of education and literacy.

Community Development

Ada Noryami Kpe actively engages in community development projects to enhance living conditions and infrastructure. We work towards improving access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and renewable energy sources. Through community engagement initiatives, we encourage active participation, inclusivity, and social cohesion.


We recognize that good health is fundamental to a fulfilling life. Ada Noryami Kpe works towards improving healthcare facilities, promoting preventive healthcare measures, and providing medical assistance to those in need. Our organization organizes medical camps, offers health screenings, and supports initiatives that address health challenges faced by marginalized communities.

Poverty Alleviation

We aim to break the cycle of poverty by implementing sustainable poverty alleviation programs. Our initiatives focus on income generation, vocational training, and microfinance support, empowering individuals and families to become self-sufficient. We also collaborate with local businesses and organizations to create job opportunities and promote entrepreneurship.

Emergency Relief

 In times of natural disasters, conflicts, or other emergencies, Ada Noryami Kpe swiftly responds with relief efforts. We provide emergency aid, including food, shelter, and medical assistance, to affected communities, ensuring their safety and well-being during difficult times.

Together We Can Make a Difference - Our aim is to empower Ada communities to create sustainable solutions that will improve their quality of life and promote economic growth.

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